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Cloud Nodes

This document provides an overview of the Cloud Nodes, their purpose, configuration options, and usage.

1. BatchPutToSitewiseNode

Sends a list of asset property values to IoT SiteWise. Each value is a timestamp-quality-value (TQV) data point.

NodeException for any error writing to SiteWise.

Node Properties:

  • Name: Batch Put To Sitewise
  • Inputs: 1
  • Outputs: 0
  • Download Result: No


aws_access_key_idStringParameterAWS server public key for SiteWise.
aws_secret_access_keyStringParameterAWS server secret key for SiteWise.
aws_region_nameStringParameterAWS region name for SiteWise.
excludeStringParameter""Exclude JSON matching this JMESPath query.
array_of_entriesBooleanParameterFalseSpecify if input is an array of entries.

2. WriteJsonToAzureNode

Writes the current data (JSON or CSV) to an Azure Blob Storage container.

NodeException for any error writing to Azure Blob Storage.

Node Properties:

  • Name: Write Json/CSV To Azure
  • Inputs: 1
  • Outputs: 0
  • Download Result: No


azure_connection_stringStringParameter""Azure storage connection string for Blob Storage.
container_nameStringParameter""Container name in Azure Blob Storage.
filenameStringParameter""Filename for the blob in the Azure container.
file_formatSelectParameter"json"File format to write (JSON or CSV).
write_modeSelectParameter"overwrite"Overwrite or append to Azure Blob.
excludeStringParameter""Exclude JSON matching this JMESPath query.

3. WriteJsonToGCPNode

Writes the current data to a GCP bucket, with an option to convert the data to CSV.

NodeException for any error writing JSON or CSV file, or converting data from JSON.

Node Properties:

  • Name: Write Json/CSV To GCP
  • Inputs: 1
  • Outputs: 0
  • Download Result: No


fileFileParameterGoogle Cloud credentials file.
bucketStringParameter""GCP bucket name.
filenameStringParameter""Filename to upload to GCP bucket.
write_modeSelectParameter"overwrite"Overwrite or append to the GCP file.
excludeStringParameter""Exclude JSON matching this JMESPath query.
output_formatSelectParameter"json"Choose whether to upload as JSON or CSV.

4. WriteJsonToS3Node

Writes the current JSON to an S3 bucket, with an option to convert the data to CSV.

NodeException for any error writing JSON or CSV file, or converting data from JSON.

Node Properties:

  • Name: Write Json/CSV To S3
  • Inputs: 1
  • Outputs: 0
  • Download Result: No


aws_access_key_idStringParameterAWS server public key for S3.
aws_secret_access_keyStringParameterAWS server secret key for S3.
bucketStringParameter""S3 bucket name.
filenameStringParameter""Filename for S3 bucket.
write_modeSelectParameter"overwrite"Overwrite or append to S3 file.
excludeStringParameter""Exclude JSON matching this JMESPath query.
output_formatSelectParameter"json"Choose whether to upload as JSON or CSV.